Amr Salah Morsy2021-11-10

5E20Egypt, PhD, Associate Professor, City of Scientific Research and Technological Applications (SRTA-City)Research interests: The ecological and biochemical function of rumen microorganisms , water use in livestock production systems and supply chains
Email: Amrsalah277@hotmail.com, Amorsy@sratcity.sci.eg 

Personal website:

http://lattes.cnpq.br/7985835987289213, http://scholar.google.com.eg/citations?user=DWEPnFUAAAAJ&hl=en;




Brief Introduction about main academic achievements and key publications


I've got an ASBRAM prize from the Brazilian Society of Animal Science in 2010. Also Alltech’s Young Scientist Award in 2013 from USA. And Lastly The State Incentive Award 2019. In science from The Egyptian Academy of Scientific Research. I already published 31 full articles in national and international impacted journals moreover participated in 4 scientific projects. In addition I attended more than 25 national and international conferences, 30 Workshops, and 16 Training. My total citations are 316 on Scopus website and my H index is 11 as you can follow on the website https://www.scopus.com/authid/detail.uri?authorId=55596983100