Ranya Aly Amer2021-11-08

Egypt, PhD&MBA, Professor, City of Scientific Research and Technology Applications (SRTA-City)

Research interests: Water Bioremediation and Water Management

Email: ranyaamer@yahoo.com; ramer@scrtacity.sci.eg;  

Personal website: https://www.linkedin.com/in/ranya-amer-10846936/

ORCID URL: https://orcid.scopusfeedback.com/#/personal_details_result

Brief Introduction about main academic achievements and key publications

Prof. Amer was the previous dean of Environment and Natural Materials Research Institute (ENMRI) for 10 years. She has efficiently achieved the goals of her organization by establishing a new environmental ENMRI, and obtaining the accreditation of ISO 17025 for the Central laboratory of Environmental Services. She is concerned with solving environmental issues using microbial solutions and bioremediations for water pollution treatment and for sustainable utilization of natural water resources. Prof. Amer leads many national and international projects in different environmental aspects, focusing on finding solution for environmental problems such as water scarcity, solid waste management and supporting the community with tackling their own issues and finding small scale solutions. She is supervising many PhD and master students nationally and internationally.

Key Publications:

1.Assessing heavy metal pollution hazard in sediments of Lake Mariout, Egypt. SAA El-Magd, TH Taha, HH Pienaar, P Breil, RA Amer, P Namour. Journal of African Earth Sciences 176, 104116 (2021).

2.Comparison between a Conventional Anti-Biofouling Compound and a Novel Modified Low-Fouling Polyethersulfone Ultrafiltration Membrane: Bacterial Anti-Attachment, Water Quality N Nady, N Salem, R Amer, A El-Shazly, SH Kandil, MSED Hassouna. Membranes 10 (9), 227 (2020)

3.Multi-criteria decision-making for the analysis of flash floods: A case study of Awlad Toq-Sherq, Southeast Sohag, Egypt  SAA El-Magd, RA Amer, A Embaby. Journal of African Earth Sciences 162, 103709 (2020).

4.Using starchy waste as a promising raw material for bioethanol production with consequence purification using chitosan/sodium alginate polymeric membrane. TH Taha, MA Abu-Saied, EM Elnaggar, RA Amer, AE Mansy, GM Elkady Journal of Bioscience and Applied Research 5 (2), 154-166 (2019).

5.In vivo assessment of the hepatotoxicity of a new Nostoc isolate from the Nile River: Nostoc sp. strain NRI. MM Abu-Serie, N Nasser, A Abd El-Wahab, R Shehawy, H Pienaar, N Baddour and RA Amer. Toxicon 143, 81-89 (2018).

6.Green production of bio-ethanol from cellulosic fiber waste and its separation using polyacrylonitrile-co-poly methyl acrylate membrane. GME M. A. Abu-Saied, Tarek H. Taha, Elsayed M. Elnaggar, Ranya A. Amer, A. E ...Cellulose 25, 6621–6644(2018).

7.Conversion of uric acid into ammonium in oil-degrading marine microbial communities: a possible role of Halomonads. C Gertler, R Bargiela, F Mapelli, X Han, J Chen, T Hai, RA Amer, ...Microbial Ecology 70 (3), 724-740(2015).