Innocent Muchingami
Zimbabwe, Senior Lecturer,
National University of Science and Technology
Research interests: Hydrogeophysics, groundwater exploration and resource evaluation, groundwater contaminant transport.
Brief Introduction about main academic achievements and key publications
Dr Innocent Muchingami is a Senior Lecturer, a hydro-geophysicist and a postdoctoral researcher in the Enhancing Sustainable Groundwater Use (ESGUSA) research project with the University of the Western Cape, South Africa. His research focuses on the mapping groundwater potential and evaluation of potential contaminant transport for natural and artificial systems. Key publications are;
1.Muchingami I., Mkali A., Vinqi L., Whitehead R., Xu Y., Jensen K., Pietersen K., Villholth K., and Kanyerere T. (2021). Integration of hydrogeophysical and geological investigations in enhancing groundwater potential assessment in Houtriver gneiss crystalline basement formation of South Africa. Journal of Physics and Chemistry of the Earth A/B/C Volume 123.
2.Muchingami I., Chuma C., Hlatywayo D. J., Gumbo M. and R. T., Mashingaidze (2019); Review; Approaches to groundwater exploration and resource evaluation in crystalline basement aquifers of Zimbabwe. IAH Hydrogeology Journal ; Volume 27; pp 915-928.
3.Muchingami, I., Nel J., Xu, Y., Steyl, G., and K Reynolds, (2013). On the use of electrical resistivity methods in monitoring infiltration of salt fluxes in dry coal ash dumps in Mpumalanga, South Africa. Water SA, Vol 39 (3), pp 491-498.
4.Chuma, C., Hlatywayo, D. J., Zulu, J., Muchingami, I., Mashingaidze, R. T., and V. Midzi. (2013). Modelling the Subsurface Geology and Groundwater Occurrence of the Matsheumhlope Low Yielding Aquifer in Bulawayo Urban, Zimbabwe. Journal of Geography and Geology; Vol. 5 (3), pp 158-175.
5.Muchingami, I., Hlatywayo J. D., J.M. Nel and C. Chuma, (2012). Electrical resistivity survey for groundwater investigations and shallow subsurface evaluation of the basaltic greenstone formation of the urban Bulawayo aquifer. Physics and Chemistry of the Earth. Volume 50-52 (2012) pp 44-51.