Yazeed van Wyk2021-11-08

Yazeed van Wyk

South African , PhD ,Research Manager and PhD Candidate

Water Research Commission & University of Pretoria

Research interests: Groundwater Hydrology – Isotope and Tracer Techniques

Email: yazeedv@wrc.org.za         

Brief Introduction about main academic achievements and key publications

1.van Wyk, Y., and Witthueser K. (2011). A Forced-Gradient tracer test on the Hansrivier Dyke: Beaufort West, South Africa, J. WATER SA. 2011.Vol. 37 No. 4: p 437-443.

2.Xu Y; Mahed G; van Wyk, Y; Lin L; Sun X; Xiao L; Talma S (2012).Towards a sampling and monitoring protocol of radioactive elements in fractured rock aquifers for groundwater resource security in Beaufort West (Report No. 1694/1/12) WRC Report.

3.Saeze, H. and van Wyk, Y (2015). Hydrogeochemistry and age analysis of thermal springs of the Limpopo Province, South Africa assessed using water chemistry and environmental isotopes. J. WATER SA. Published

4.van Wyk, Y and Kgari, T (2016). A multi-faceted approach to mine water source determination in South Africa. A review. Mine Water Environ. 35TH International Geological Congress. Cape Town.

5.van Wyk, Y (2018): Tap into the power of young people, EveryDropCounts  (Op-Ed Article), Cape Argus. Newspaper.

6.van Wyk, Y (2018). Empowering the youth to secure water needs. (OP-ED Article), Afro voice, National Edition.

7.van Wyk, Y and Ubomba-Jaswa, Eunice (2019). Ideas for Mainstreaming Groundwater. The Sustainable Water Resource Handbook, South Africa Volume 10. The Essential Guide to Resource Efficiency in South Africa. Published

8.van Wyk, Y and Ubomba-Jaswa, Eunice (2020): Physical and Chemical Tracers in the Environment. Working Paper, Water Research Commission. Online.

9.Van Wyk Y, Ubomba-Jaswa E, Dippenaar MA (2020). Novel coronavirus (SARS-CoV-2) and burial in cemeteries: are the concerns valid?. Science of the Total Environment, submitted.

10.van Wyk, Y (2021): As the climate crisis bites and droughts intensify, it’s time to go underground (OP-ED Article), Daily Maverick. Newspaper.