Jie Chen2021-11-08

Jie Chen

Ph.D, Professor, Wuhan University

Research interests: Stochastic weather generation, Climate downscaling and bias correction , Climate change impact on hydrology and their uncertainty, Short- to long-term streamflow prediction,  Hydrological modeling

Email: jiechen@whu.edu.cn      

Personal website:


Brief Introduction about main academic achievements and key publications

Dr. Chen is a professor at Wuhan University. He specializes in the fields of global climate change and hydrological impacts. Specifically, his research interests include stochastic weather generation, downscaling and bias correction of climate model outputs, uncertainty of climate change impacts on hydrology, hydrological modeling and streamflow forecasts. He has published 120 peer-reviewed articles on high-ranked international scientific journals with the citation being more than 2000 (Web of Science). Dr. Chen is hosting or investigating about 10 research projects funded by the National Natural Science Foundation of China, the National Key Research and Development Program of China, and other sources. Dr. Chen is an Associate Editor for “Journal of Hydrology” and “Hydrology Research” and an Editorial Board Member of “Water”. He has been awarded the Canada Governor General’s Academic Gold Medal in 2011, the best Ph.D. dissertation at the University of Quebec in 2012, and the First Prize of Science and Technology Progress in Hubei Province, China in 2020. Dr. Chen was selected in the Reuters list of the world’s top 1000 climate scientists in 2021, due to his influence in the area of climate change.