Zhengzheng Zhou2021-11-08

Ph.D, Associate Researcher, Tongji University

Research interests: Urban hydrology, extreme rainfall/flood

Email: 19058@tongji.edu.cn  

Personal website: https://faculty-civileng.tongji.edu.cn/zhouzhengzheng

Brief Introduction about main academic achievements and key publications

Dr. Zhou is an assistant research professor in the Department of Hydraulic Engineering in Tongji University, China. Her research interests focus on modeling and analysis of extreme rainfall, and understanding the roles of rainfall and land surface variability and interactions to produce flooding in urban areas. She worked in the department of Civil and Environmental Engineering in Princeton University for two years. She received the Postdoctoral Innovative Talents Program in China in 2017. Her main achievements have been published on Water resources research and Hydrology and earth system sciences.


1.Hu, Z., Liu, S., Zhong, G., Lin, H., Zhou, Z. Modified Mann-Kendall trend test for hydrological time series under the scaling hypothesis and its application. Hydrological Sciences Journal, 2020,65(14): 2419-2438.

2.Zhou, Z. *, Wright, D.B., and Liu, S. Analysis of urban design storm based on stochastic storm transposition. Advances in water science, 2020, 31(4): 583-591.

3.Zhou, Z. *, Smith, J.A., Wright, D.B., Baeck, M.L., Yang, L., and Liu, S. Storm catalog-based analysis of rainfall heterogeneity and frequency in a complex terrain. Water Resources Research, 2018, 55(3), 1871-1889

4.en Veldhuis, M.-C.*, Zhou, Z.*, Yang, L., Liu, S., and Smith, J. The role of storm scale, position and movement in controlling urban flood response. Hydrology and Earth System Science, 2018, 22(1), 417-436.