Hongbo Zhang2021-10-26

Hongbo Zhang

Doctor, Professor, Deputy Director, Chang’an University

Research interests: Hydrological Modeling, Water Resources allocation, Reservoir regulation, Hydrological response to the changing environment, Streamflow forecasting

Email: hbzhang@chd.edu.cn    

Personal website:  http://js.chd.edu.cn/hjkxygcxy/zhb101/list.htm


Brief Introduction about main academic achievements and key publications

Professor and academic leader of hydrology and water resources, Chang'an University, China. Deputy Director of  key laboratory of subsurface hydrology and ecological effect in arid region, Ministry of Education, China. Member of International Hydrology Association, Global Water Partnership China, China Society of Natural Resources and Chinese Hydraulic Engineering Society. Research in hydrological modelling at multiple scales, non-stationary hydrology and water resources regulation in the changing environment. Author or co-author in over 150 publications. Editor of Journal of South-to-North Water Diversion and Water Conservancy Science and Technology, Journal of North China University of Water Resources and Electric Power (Natural Science Edition), Journal of Earth Science and Environment and Journal of Pearl River.  Guest editor of Hydrology Research and Geoscience Data Journal.