Xing Yuan2021-10-26

Xing Yuan

Ph.D, Professor, Dean,

Nanjing University of Information Science and Technology

Research interests: Climate change and water cycle, hydroclimate prediction, land surface hydrological modeling

Email: xyuan@nuist.edu.cn  

Personal website: https://faculty.nuist.edu.cn/yuanxing/zh_CN/index.htm

Brief Introduction about main academic achievements and key publications

Prof. Xing Yuan’s research interests are primarily in the field of hydroclimatology, including hyper-resolution land surface modeling, seasonal to decadal ensemble prediction, climate change and extremes. He developed a high resolution quasi-three-dimensional land surface hydrological model with representation of surface and subsurface lateral flows, and improved simulation of terrestrial water cycle significantly. He proposed a new benchmark skill for investigating decadal hydrological predictability based on a skill elasticity method. He developed a method to identify “flash drought”, a rapid onset drought, and he found a significant increase in flash drought over China, which is mainly caused by climate change induced by anthropogenic emissions of greenhouse gases. He has authored 90+ peer-reviewed journal papers, including Nature Communications, BAMS, and GRL. He is an Editor of Hydrology and Earth System Sciences, Associate Editor of Journal of Geophysical Research: Atmospheres, and Editorial Board of Hydrology Research.

Selected publications:

1.Yuan, X.*, et al., 2019: Anthropogenic shift towards higher risk of flash drought over China. Nature Communications, 10, 4661

2.Zhu, E., X. Yuan*, and A. Wood, 2019: Benchmark Decadal Forecast Skill for Terrestrial Water Storage Estimated by an Elasticity Framework. Nature Communications, 10, 1237

3.Yuan, X.*, et al., 2018: High-resolution land surface modeling of hydrological changes over the Sanjiangyuan region in the eastern Tibetan Plateau: 1. Model development and evaluation. Journal of Advances in Modeling Earth Systems, 10, 2806–2828

4.Yuan, X.*, et al., 2015: Seasonal forecasting of global hydrologic extremes: system development and evaluation over GEWEX basins. Bulletin of the American Meteorological Society, 96, 1895-1912

5.Yuan, X.*, and E. F. Wood, 2013: Multimodel seasonal forecasting of global drought onset. Geophysical Research Letters, 40(18), 4900-4905