Baogang Zhang2021-10-26

Baogang Zhang

Ph.D, Professor, Head of department,

China University of Geosciences (Beijing)

Research interests:Water bioremediation, Elemental biogeochemistry

Email: baogangzhang@cugb.edu.cn  

Personal website: Https://www.researchgate.net/profile/Baogang-Zhang-8

Brief Introduction about main academic achievements and key publications

Prof. Baogang Zhang got his doctor degree at Peking University in 2011, then he started to work at China university of Geosciences Beijing until now. During 2017-2018, he worked in University of Colorado Boulder as a visiting professor. He is now the head of environmental engineering department, the editorial board member of SCI journals Frontiers in Microbiology and Chinese Chemical Letters. His research interests include biogeochemical processes of heavy metal, remediation of soil and groundwater, bioelectrochemical systems, etc. He has published 100 highly-qualified SCI papers, including Environmental Science & Technology, Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta, Water Research, also including 2 hot papers and 3 highly cited papers, with H-index of 33. He has got 5 patents and hosted 5 projects from NSFC. He is also selected into World’s Top 2% Scientists 2020 (2021), Top young talents of national ecological environment protection (2021), Beijing Nova Program (2016) and wins Youth Geological Science and Technology Award (Silver Hammer Award) of Geological Society of China (2017) and Young Scientist Award (Excellence Award) of Chinese Society for Environmental Sciences (2019).