Lei Chen
Doctor, Associate Professor, Beijing Normal University
Research interests: Nonpoint source pollution, Watershed water quality management
Email: chenlei1982bnu@bnu.edu.cn
Personal website: http://envfaculty.bnu.edu.cn/Public/htm/news/5/10.html
Brief Introduction about main academic achievements and key publications
Chen Lei mainly focuses on the scientific question relating to the water environment effects of the diffuse pollution, and has discussed the related process mechanism, accounting model and control measure. Chen Lei has taken in charge of 4 national scientific projects, and become the leader of the discipline research team at the Beijing Normal University. The applicant has published over 100 papers, including papers in those high-impact journals such as WR, WRR, EP and JOH. The applicant has also authorized 10 copyrights of patents/softwares and received two provincial-level awards. The applicant has been invited to be the column editor and the guest editor for 4 SCI journals.
1.ChengSun, Lei Chen*,Limei Zhai, HongbinLiu, Kai Wang, Cong Jiao, Zhenyao Shen. Nationalassessment of nitrogenfertilizers fate and related environmentalimpacts of multiple pathways inChina. Journal of Cleaner Production.2020, 227:123519. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.jclepro.2020.12351
2.WangWenzhuo, Chen Lei*, Shen Zhenyao. Dynamicexport coefficient model for evaluating theeffects of environmental changes onnon-point source pollution.Science of the Total Environment. 2020,747:141164.DOI:https://doi.org/10.1016/j.scitotenv.2020.141164.
3.LiLeifang, ChenHe, Chen Lei*,Chen Shibo, Shen Zhenyao. Past and future contributionsof artificialreservoirs on global sea-level rise. Resources, Conservation&Recycling. 2020, 161: 104922
4.ZhangXiaoyue, Zhi Xiaosha, Chen Lei*,ZhenyaoShen. Spatiotemporal variability and key influencing factorsof river fecalcoliform within a typical complex watershed. WaterResearch. 2020, 178: 115835.DOI:https://doi.org/10.1016/j.watres.2020.115835.