[Academic forum]5月25日下午16:00,牛津大学Assoc. Prof. Louise Slater学术报告通知2023-05-20

报告题目:Hybrid prediction of water and weather extremes: blending climate predictions with AI models

报  告 人Assoc. Prof. Louise Slater (英国牛津大学)

邀  请 人尹家波 副教授

时      间2023年5月25日(星期四)下午16:00

报告形式ZOOM(会议号: 343 165 8175;密码: 0525)




Dr. Louise Slater is Associate Professor at University of Oxford. She is a Future Leaders Fellow of UK Research and Innovation and the Chair of the Oxford Water Network. She serves as Editor for Hydrology and Earth System Sciences, and Associate Editor for Earth's Future. Dr. Slater develops computational approaches to detect, attribute, and predict how changes in climate and land cover may affect water-related extremes and society over sub-daily to multi-decadal timescales. She has published over 70 international journals, such as Science, Nature Sustainability, and Nature Communications. She has received the Hydrologic Sciences Early Career Award by AGU, the Outstanding Early Career Scientist Award by EGU, and the Gill Memorial Award for Outstanding Early Career Research in Physical Geography.


Hybrid hydroclimatic forecasting systems employ data-driven (statistical or machine learning) methods to harness and integrate a broad variety of predictions from dynamical, physics-based models – such as numerical weather prediction, climate, land, hydrology, and Earth system models – into a final prediction product. Hybrid forecasting methods are now receiving growing attention due to advances in weather and climate prediction systems at subseasonal to decadal scales, a better appreciation of the strengths of AI, and expanding access to computational resources and methods. Dr. Slater will present recent developments in hybrid hydroclimatic forecasting and outline key challenges and opportunities for further research.