[Academic forum 26th Sept.] Water challenges and ways forward - The hydroinformatics answer2022-09-22

Title: Water challenges and ways forward - The hydroinformatics answer

Speaker: Prof.Philippe Gourbesville        Host: Prof. Dedi Liu

Time: Monday, September 26,2022,10:00~12:00 (Beijing Time)

Location: Room 202 of State Key Laboratory of Water Resources and Hydropower Engineering Science,Wuhan University

Conference link: https://meeting.tencent.com/dm/YINSfGOWkEzJ

Tencent meeting ID: 586-923-487        B站直播ID: 23115892


Philippe Gourbesville

Former president of the Polytech Nice Sophia,France (2007-2017)

Distinguished Professor (second class) at the China Institute of Water Resourcesand Hydropower Research (IWHR)

Personal profile: Prof.Philippe Gourbesville, born in Valognes, France in 1964, is Professorand PhD supervisor, and was the president of the Polytech Nice Sophia, France from 2007-2017.As one of the second-generation leaders of the hydro-informatics discipline after Prof.M.B.Abbott and Prof.J.A.Cunge, Prof. Philippe has been long term involved in the rescarch related to hydro-informatics such as: numericalmodeling,ICT solutions,virtual reality applications, flood risk management, resilience assessment and smart watersolution.In the past 10 years,he has held many key R&D projects under the EU framework, including STIC Asie,EU-FP6,FP7 and Horizon 2020 (H2020), and has been the leader of 67 national and l5 international projects.He is visitingprofessor in 21 universities over the world, member of many international organizations/committees, core member ofthe working group of WMO flood map guidelines, chairman of the water science section of the French Society ofHydrology(SHF), honorary chairman of IAHR &IWA Hydro-informatics Association, founder and vice president ofAsian Water Council(AWC), editor-in-chief and associate editor of 3 SCI journals, and reviewer of 16 SCI journals.Professor Philippe has a strong international presence, especially in Asia where he has established a wide network ofcollaborators.He is currently working full-time in China for more than 3 years as a Distinguished Professor (secondclass) at the China Institute of Water Resources and Hydropower Research (IWHR).

Abstract: The growing complexity of the competition among water uses and the emerging understanding of the synergyeffects at the catchments scale rivers have underlined the need of information on the various aspects of water:precipitations, discharges,velocities,water depths are some the basic characteristics that are needed for developing amanaging strategy that can answer and balance the various uses, ensure the conservation of the resource, and mitigatepotential effect of extreme events. Today the technical innovation provides the possibility to measure on the field, toproduce the needed information and to move to a new paradigm for water management. The presentation analyses theconcept of smart water management that emerged recently with the wide spread oflT solutions and development of newsensors generation based on loT architecture. The analysis demonstrates that a holistic approach is needed for anefficient management of water. The use of ICT solutions can provide a real added value, but an important effort must beengaged for identifying key activities in the various domains that can benefit from the digital transformation.At thesame time, the presentation introduces the paradigm of water information system that encompasses the various wateractivities and ensures a gradual integration of the various IT components in a consistent environment that providessupport the various water users. To achieve this objective, the current situation requests to formalize a roadmap and toaddress the various activities in a systematic way. Within this long-term process, the digital twins concept represents astep toward the target water information system and raised the interest of the professional water communities.